Virtue is pleased to announce the new Virtue Rotor Board 2.0.
We've upgraded the hardware and software on our latest batch of Rotor boards to improve reliability and add a new RF feature. All 2.0 boards now come with an auto-reverse/unjam capability when the Rotor board is in RF mode. Additionally, we've upgraded the board with better hardware to make installation easier and performance more reliable.
Version 2.0 now includes: • Auto Reverse/Unjam in RF Mode - When using an RF kit with your Virtue Rotor board, your hopper will automatically detect jams via RF and reverse the motor, automatically unjamming itself. • Upgraded Hardware Components, making the Rotor Board more reliable and easier to install than version 1.0. • Note: to easily distinguish if your board is 2.0 or 1.0 -- 2.0 boards have a yellow button, 1.0 boards have a red button. • All Version 1.0 customers are entitled to a free upgrade (board swap).
To upgrade your Rotor board for free you must: 1.) Contact Virtue Paintball @ (631) 617-5346 or email us. 2.) Pay $10 shipping and handling to cover the return shipment. (air or intl. shipments subject to a higher rate) Dealers, teams, or groups wishing to upgrade multiple boards only have to pay the $10 fee once.