My wife Lina has started her Deli full time and have a present at Tivoli Village every Saturday from 8am-1pm. The address is 302 S. Rampart Blvd Las Vegas NV 89144. Please come to check out our booth and sample the food. I have built a website with a full menu of her cooking so you can check it out.
As we mentioned before, if you or any of your friends order food for their party or gatherings we will contribute 10% of the gross of the sale toward DemonKnights team funds.
Please spread the words so we can raised some money for Demonknights.
The new website for her deli is
It is Vietnamese Cuisine. Thanks for all your support.
Mmmmm...Can't wait to check it out. She has made food for a couple of our events and it was sooo good. Best wishes for your new venue!! We'll be sure to stop by.
I would suggest you post this in the general area where more eyes will see it. In this place only demonknights can see.
Pete, can you move this thread to general public. I was not sure if I should when I post the thread. Since I mentioned the contribution to DK team. Let me know what is best. Thanks
I would suggest you post this in the general area where more eyes will see it. In this place only demonknights can see.
Pete, can you move this thread to general public. I was not sure if I should when I post the thread. Since I mentioned the contribution to DK team. Let me know what is best. Thanks
I'll move it, but everyone should know that all purchases would not only support the demonknights but ALSO your wife's buisness. Which is GREAT!
If i'm in the area i'll have to stop by and get my grub on.
I would suggest you post this in the general area where more eyes will see it. In this place only demonknights can see.
Pete, can you move this thread to general public. I was not sure if I should when I post the thread. Since I mentioned the contribution to DK team. Let me know what is best. Thanks
I'll move it, but everyone should know that all purchases would not only support the demonknights but ALSO your wife's buisness. Which is GREAT!
If i'm in the area i'll have to stop by and get my grub on.
Agreed. It's a mutual benefit. Hope to see you at the market when you are around.