I was wondering if there was a Stiffi Barrel out there that fits the inserts from a freak kit? Does anyone know? I am looking at a new gun, and was wondering what kind of barrel kit to get? I am partial to the Stiffi barrels. Any help would be apprecieated.
Shoot first, shoot last, shoot some more, and after everyone is in the dead box....hang the flag!
Yup thats what i have, i like it cause i use a stiffi tip when playing speedball, then i switch the tip out for a all american for woodsball that is apex ready.
I do like it, but the deadly winds barrels are very nice, i think the finish is a little better.
Thanks gents, apprecieate it. I have a Stiffi tip w/ my Freaks for my Shocker and Ion, but I am leaning towards an Ego, so I am debating over an Autococker threaded Freak back, or a Deadly Wind Barrel. Time will tell.....
Shoot first, shoot last, shoot some more, and after everyone is in the dead box....hang the flag!
the only problem is you cant swab a stiffi cause it will screw it up!!
you can swab stiffi-s, the first batch were deffective you could have sent it to stiffi and they would have given you a new one. I swab mine all the time.