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Post Info TOPIC: What up people


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Posts: 127
Date: Jan 11, 2010
What up people

Hey this is Kennith Ramsey I am looking to find a team, but my gun is down I started the sport with a spyder xtra. I played at tectonic with friends until it closed down. Still haven't got the full story on what happened if anyone knows hit me up. After it closed I went underground till a topgun tournament came through town I went in with my xtra I totally got pwn by everyone. My current play field is BoneHeadPaintball when i get time, but right now school is over kill. I am running three guns I run old guns first is my xtra then is a tippmann 98 model gun beautiful took it apart sandblasted and repainted it tippmann tan and my last and final gun is a spyder electra 05 it my primary but man the beating it has taken right now i have all new parts for it on back order to fix it no real upgrades to it. I have the rocker trigger for it nice but it overkill when playing with friends and seems no to be tournament legal out here.

My only creation is a mod barrel that i made it uses a stifi 16 or 14 inch carbon fiber barrel and a freak barrel pieceĀ  i cut it down bc the threads didn't work and made it for my spyder the barrel is ridiculously long but has beautiful accuracy.

The only guns i truely want pick up still is an ion xe and any angel would be nice



Status: Offline
Posts: 1484
Date: Jan 11, 2010

Ya tectonix was closed because some kid got shot his eye shot out. Too bad man huh? I used to play there as well back in the day too. We probably played together. I play at Bonehead sometimes, maybe i'll see you around. welcome to 702paintball.com



Status: Offline
Posts: 127
Date: Jan 11, 2010

Dude I loved that field knew the owner really good friends until it shut got to have a day or two there with just friends and rented the whole place out that was the cool part about it. You know what would be nice a field with cheap paint haha



Status: Offline
Posts: 1484
Date: Jan 11, 2010

I know i used to love that i could slide all the way across the field it was so slick haha. A good field with cheap paint? Well right now they're all about the same. all $40 a case. it depends on what type of field you want. LVPP has the biggest field, it has more competitive players playing there on sundays. bonehead is kinda all newbs from the strip. critical hit is kinda in the middle.

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